Guía para vivir y trabajar en Bizkaia


The innovation system in the universities

The university system includes the three Universities of the Basque Country, the University of Navarra and the Distance Education University, and their associated initiatives.

The University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)

Euskampus. A Community of Knowledge Centres.

The Euskampus project is the result of the strategic grouping formed by the UPV/EHU, the project promoter, along with TECNALIA Corporación Tecnológica and the Donostia International Physics Centre (DIPC) Foundation, and the public administrations and the main organisations in the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network. It is worth noting that Euskampus has achieved the distinction of a campus of International Excellence, awarded to it by the Ministry of Education through a competition run by the Spanish Government to improve the quality of universities in the international arena.

University of Deusto

Deusto Business School is the Business Management School at the University of Deusto, whose objective is to become an international benchmark for business education and the training of the business leaders of the future.

ORKESTRA - Basque Institute of Competitiveness.

University of Mondragón

Garaia. Innovation Centre. A project to support innovation activities. It is led by the private initiative of MONDRAGON-Humanity at work, with the support of the scientific knowledge of Mondragon Unibertsitatea ,the research of the Technology Centre - Ikerlan and is backed by several public institutions. 

TECNUN - School of Engineering

UNED (Distance Education University)