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  3. University Education

University Education

The Basque university system is part of the European Higher Education Area, also known as the Bologna process.


The Bologna Plan is based on a flexible system of easily readable and comparable degrees, in order to promote the employment opportunities for students and encourage their mobility, while also aiding the international competitiveness of the European Higher Education System. The qualifications which can be obtained are:

  • Approved qualifications: Officially valid across Spain.
  • Own qualifications: only recognised by the universities providing those courses.


New system of university qualifications:

This is based on Graduate and Post-Graduate, which together are structured into three cycles:

  • First Cycle or Graduate: basic teaching and general training aimed at preparing students for professional activities. Passing this Cycle will give the student the right to obtain the corresponding qualification in accordance with that agreed by the Government.
  • Second Cycle or Post-graduate: advanced education, of a specialist or multi-disciplinary nature, designed for an academic or professional specialisation or to begin research activities. Passing this Cycle will give the student the right to the Master's qualification.
  • Third Cycle: advanced training in the techniques for creating and presenting a PhD thesis. Passing this Cycle will give the student the right to obtain the Doctoral qualification (the highest academic qualification in higher education and one which prepares the student for teaching and research)

For further information:


University of the Basque Country - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

The state university system in the Basque Country consists of the official University centres in the three historical territories (Araba/Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa) and a significant group of University Schools that have been created as affiliated centres.


Useful information:

This offers services and information for the university community in relation to the world of science and research.

  • Vice-Deanship of International Relations
  • Directorate of Company Relations.


University of Deusto

The University of Deusto is currently spread across two different campuses in the two coastal capitals of the Basque Country: Bilbao and Donostia-San Sebastian.


Useful information

  • Office for the transfer of research results (Oficina de transferencia de resultados de investigación, OTRI)

This consists of two units responsible for facilitating and promoting collaboration between the research groups and managing, within the R&D area, the University-Business relationships:

    • DEIKER.


University of Mondragón

Mondragon Unibertsitatea is a young university with close ties to the business world, which benefits all its students.

It currently has two Faculties and a School:

  • Higher Polytechnic School
  • Faculty of Business Sciences
  • Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences



The National Distance Education University offers the opportunity to combine the working day with university education.


TECNUN-San Sebastian Higher School of Engineering

This belongs to the University of Navarra, and its objective is to contribute to the professional and scientific training of the engineers of the future.